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A Breakdown of R. Kelly’s Guilty Verdict

In the Chicago trial, a 12-person jury considered 13 counts filed against Mr. Kelly, and he was convicted of six. Two of his former employees, Derrel McDavid and Milton Brown, also faced charges; they were acquitted on all counts.

Here’s how the jury’s verdict breaks down.

Coercing minors into sexual activity

Mr. Kelly was charged with five counts of coercing minors into sex acts more than two decades ago. Four out of five of the accusers, now women in their 30s and 40s, testified in the trial.

In their testimony, three of the women describe Mr. Kelly having sex with them when they were underage. The fourth woman accused Mr. Kelly of two instances of sexual assault, including fondling her in his recording studio when she was 15. A fifth accuser was expected to testify but did not.

The jury found that Mr. Kelly was guilty of coercing three out of the five minors into sex. They acquitted him on charges that related to the woman who did not testify.

And they acquitted him of charges related to a woman whose testimony at the trial that she was 16 years old when she was first sexually abused by Mr. Kelly did not align with a lawsuit she filed years ago saying she was 17 at the time, which is the age of consent in Illinois.

Producing child sexual abuse imagery

Mr. Kelly was charged with four counts of producing child sexual abuse imagery, which correspond to four videos that prosecutors said show the singer sexually abusing the girl who was at the center of Mr. Kelly’s 2008 trial.

Jurors were shown clips from three of those videos, and Mr. Kelly was found guilty of producing all three.

Mr. Kelly was acquitted of producing a fourth video that the prosecution did not produce.

Receiving and seeking out child sexual abuse imagery

Prosecutors said that in 2001, after state officials had started investigating Mr. Kelly, he and his associates realized that several videotapes of the singer had gone missing.

Some of the charges in the case revolved around alleged efforts by Mr. Kelly, Mr. McDavid and Mr. Brown to recover those missing tapes.

Mr. Kelly and Mr. McDavid, the singer’s former business manager, were each charged with two counts of receiving child sexual abuse imagery as part of that scheme.

Mr. McDavid, the only defendant who testified in the case, said he never had any reason to believe that the person involved in the sex tape was underage. Mr. Kelly and Mr. McDavid were acquitted on those counts.

All three defendants, including Mr. Brown, were charged with one count each of conspiracy to receive child sexual abuse imagery.

Prosecutors alleged that the three were involved in making payments to individuals who were hired to help recover the missing videotapes. All three were acquitted of those charges.

Conspiring to obstruct an earlier investigation

Mr. Kelly and Mr. McDavid were each charged with one count of conspiring to obstruct justice in relation to an earlier investigation into Mr. Kelly’s relationship with the woman at the center of the 2008 trial.

Prosecutors allege that the two men arranged hush money payments to the woman and her family, and that Mr. Kelly gave the woman an S.U.V.

(The woman testified that Mr. Kelly had persuaded her to lie to a grand jury in 2002, and that she falsely claimed at the time that she was not the person depicted in a sex tape at the center of the case and that she had not been involved sexually with Mr. Kelly.)

Ms. Bonjean had argued that Mr. Kelly is not a predator, but rather a victim of extortion by his accusers and some of the government’s key witnesses.

Mr. McDavid testified that the payments to the woman at the center of the 2008 case and her family had nothing to do with the investigations into sexual abuse, describing some of them as loans.

Mr. Kelly and Mr. McDavid were acquitted of those charges.